First things first

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No need to choose the right plan

Discover the Right Fit for Your Budget With SlicPix Pricing. Only Pay for What you use

$49 /mo
Billed annually. Cancel anytime.
1 content creator
500 credits
1 website
unlimited integrations
unlimited interactive images
unlimited pop-up bubbles
unlimited stories

Frequently Asked Questions

How does the one week trial work?

Creating, putlishing and promoting your SlicPix Content is free for one week. After this time, images and stories will be served with a SlicPix watermark. Upgrading your subscription to a paid plan will remove the watermark.

What about canceling my subscription?

Your plan will automatically renew each month until canceled, You can cancel any time in account settings. You will still have access to your content and it will remain functional with the exception of a SlicPix watermark and banner.

How is SlicPix published

It is most common to embed SlicPix's interactive stories into your website through your website builder using copy and paste short codes. Additionally,these short codes can be shared on multiple websites if your plan permits.

Where are my stories hosted?

It is most common to embed SlicPix's interactive stories into your website through your website builder using copy and paste short codes. Additionally,these short codes can be shared on multiple websites if your plan permits.

Are my stories responive on any device?

Yes, SlicPix's interactive stories look fantastic on any device

What are views and what happens if they are exceeded?

Views are counted when SlicPix's embedded images and stories are loaded. Each load counts as one view. You will be notified when you are getting close to running out of views.views, Once your account exceeds views, you will still have access to your content and it will remain functional with the exception of a SlicPix watermark and banner. You can purchase more views if needed, or upgrade your plan

What are content creators?

Content creators are individuals invited to an organizations account to collaborate and create interactive stories. Administrators add and manage content creators through the SlicPix Studio and invitations are sent out with a simple email. Content creators create interactive stories for which admins can choose wheather or not to publish.

Lets talk

Drop us a line with any questions, inquiries or business proposals


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One Plan. All of SlicPix

Instantly get access to all cutting-edge features in
SlicPix with a single license. Only pay for what you use.

Subscribe to SlicPix Pro


Billed recurring yearly, cancel anytime

SlicPix Pro
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Total due today

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One Plan. All of SlicPix

Instantly get access to all cutting-edge features in
SlicPix with a single license. Only pay for what you use.

1 content creator
500 credits
1 website
Unlimited integrations
Unlimited interactive images
Unlimited Pop-Up bubbles
Unlimited stories